Iftar time, Sehri and Prayer times

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Iftar and Sehri Time

Iftar is the meal that Muslims eat at sunset to break their fast during the month of Ramadan. The fast begins each day at dawn with a pre-dawn meal called Suhur or Sehri, and ends with Iftar when the sun sets.

The importance of Sehri or Suhur is that it provides sustenance and energy to last the day during the fast. It is considered a blessed meal and an opportunity to earn additional rewards from Allah. Muslims are encouraged to eat a nutritious and balanced meal before starting their fast, and to wake up early to eat Sehri even if they have to sacrifice some sleep.

Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and increased devotion to God. The daily fast from food and drink is considered an act of worship and obedience, and is seen as a way to cultivate self-control and empathy for those who are less fortunate. The fast is also considered a way to purify the soul, and to deepen one's connection to God.

Iftar is a time for socializing and sharing with friends and family, and is often accompanied by special prayers and Quranic readings. It is a time to reflect on the blessings of food and drink and to be grateful for them. The breaking of the fast together is considered a demonstration of unity and solidarity, and is a time to strengthen relationships with friends and family.

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